Friday, 30 November 2012
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Monday, 9 April 2012
Lesson Plan Year 4 : Topic : Animals and plants protect themselves
3.1 Understanding that animals have specific characteristics and behavior to protect themselves from danger
• identify special characteristics of animals that protect them from danger
3.1 Understanding that animals have specific characteristics and behavior to protect themselves from danger
• identify special characteristics of animals that protect them from danger
• identify special behavior of animals that protect them from danger
5 Minutes
Animals and plants protect themselves
1.Teacher shows a picture of Chameleon.
2. Teacher ask pupils to state the name of the animals. 3. Teacher ask pupils how the Chameleon protect themselves from danger? 4. Teacher relate the answer with topic |
TA : Picture of Chameleon
SPS : Observing, Predicting |
Developing ideas
15 minutes
Animals and plants protect themselves
1. special characteristics of animals
2. special behavior of animals
1. Teacher divide pupils into 6 groups.
2. Teacher give 3 pictures of an animal for each group.
3.Teachers instruct students to make observations on the picture and identify the features available in these animals to protect themselves from danger
TA : Pictures of
1. Cow 2. Polar Bear 3. Penguin 4. Bee 5. Scorpion 6. Beetle 7. Lizard 8. Cuttlefish 9. Tortoise 10. Mouse
12. Porcupine
13. Pangolin
14. Arctic Fox
15. Tiger
16. Horse
17. Snake
18. Goat
Restructuring ideas
15 Minutes
Animals and plants protect themselves
1. special characteristics of animals
2. special behavior of animals
1. Teacher explain to pupils about special characteristic and special behavior of animals to protect them from danger.
A: Special characteristic:
- Having hard scales , thick hair, hard shell or spines
-Having bad smell
-Ability to change colour
- Having strong and sharp horn or antlers
- Having long legs, strong muscles
-Having sharp claws
B: Special behaviors :
-Living in groups
- Hide in hard shell
- Hide in hole
-Produce poison sting
-Pretend to be dead
-Loses its tail
-Curls up it body
-Spurt out a black ink
TA : Power Point
Application of ideas
15 Minutes
Animals and plants protect themselves
1. special characteristics of animals
2. special behavior of animals
1.Teacher distributes worksheet
2. Pupils group the animals based on their special characteristic and special behavior.
TA : Worksheet
10 Minutes
Animals and plants protect themselves
1. special characteristics of animals
2. special behavior of animals
1. Pupils state 3 examples of special characteristic and behavior of an animals
2. Pupils are asked to make a scrap book about special characteristic and behavior of an animal
Collect a picture
Download : Klik pada pautan ( Anda perlu mendaftar sebagai ahli di jika ingin memuatturun file berikut )
1. Lesson plan
2. Gambar Haiwan
3. Power point
4. Worksheet
Every question is followed by four options A, B, C and D. Choose the correct answer.
1. Tigers have typical characteristics to protect themselves from their enemies.
What are the special characteristics?
A. Have ability to change colour
B. Have sharp claws
C. Have thick fur
D. Have long legs with strong muscles
A. Have ability to change colour
B. Have sharp claws
C. Have thick fur
D. Have long legs with strong muscles
2. Which animals tends to break off its tail when attacked by an enemy?
A. Turtle
B. Lizard
C. Mouse
D. Snail
B. Lizard
C. Mouse
D. Snail
3. Some animals have the ability to change colour according to their surroundings.
Which of the following animals have this ability?
Which of the following animals have this ability?
A. The Arctic fox and the chameleon.
B. The elephant and the tiger.
C. The lizard and the crocodile
D. The butterfly and the bee.
B. The elephant and the tiger.
C. The lizard and the crocodile
D. The butterfly and the bee.
4. The bed bug protects itself from its enemy by
A. being able to change colour
B. having spines
C. living in groups
D. producing a bad smell.
B. having spines
C. living in groups
D. producing a bad smell.
5. List the animals according to their special behaviour.
a: Living in groups : 1................................................ 2.................................................
b. Hide in hard shell : 1................................................. 2..................................................
c: Curls up it body : 1.................................................... 2.......................................................
d: Produce poison stings : 1............................................. 2.......................................................
Enrichment Activity :
1. Diagrams 1 shows an elephant. One part of the elephant is labelled X
Diagram 1
a) Name the part labelled X
b) How does the part labelled X help the animal protect itself?
c) Explained why the labelled X can put this animal in danger?
d) State another way by which this animal can protect itself from its enemies.
2. How these animals protect themselves from extreme weather conditions? (predicting)
a) Polar bear : ............................................................
b) Flamingo : ..............................................................
c) Penguin : ................................................................
d) Bear : ................................................................
e) Buffalo : .................................................................
f) Camel :...................................................................
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Teknik Menjawab Sains Bahagian B
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Panduan Menjawab Soalan Sains Bahagian B
Bil | Kemahiran Proses Sains | Panduan Menulis Jawapan | |
1 | Pemerhatian | Pemerhatian dilakukan menggunakan deria penglihatan, pendengaran, bau, rasa dan sentuhan | |
2 | Inferens 1. Inferens Tunggal 2. Inferen berbanding | (pemerhatian) kerana (sebab) Contoh: (Inferens Tunggal) Pokok A layu kerana tidak mendapat baja yang cukup. (Inferens Berbanding) Pokok A layu kerana tidak mendapat baja yang cukup berbanding Pokok B . *letakkan perkataan berbanding….. | |
3 | Meramal 1. Meramal dalam bentuk situasi. | Haiwan di kawasan A akan pupus. | |
2. Mera mal dalam bentuk angka. | Kurang dari 10 saat. | ||
4 | Mentafsir Maklumat 1. Tajuk / Tujuan · mengaitkan Pembolehubah Manipulasi (PUM) dengan Pembolehubah Bergerakbalas (PUB). · satu pernyataan umum. | 1. Untuk mengkaji hubungan di antara ________PUM_____ dengan _______PUB____ Contoh; Untuk mengkaji hubungan di antara panjang tali dengan jumlah hayunan bandul dalam masa 5 minit. | |
2. Hubungan · mengaitkan PUM dan PUB · menyatakan PUM memberi kesan kepada PUB · menyatakan pola pada PUM dan PUB | 2. Jika_______(pola)PUM____maka______(pola)_PUB____ Contoh; Jika banyak baja maka pokok subur. | ||
3. Pola · melihat perubahan pada data dalam bentuk nombor. · membaca kedudukan nombor dari kanan ke kiri · tahu nilai nombor. · menggantikan nilai nombor dengan perkataan tertentu. | 3. Nombor yang makin besar nilainya dinyatakan Bertambah, Meningkat, Menaik. Nombor yang makin kecil nilainya Berkurang, Menurun Nombor yang kekal nilainya Sama, Kekal, Mendatar, Tidak berubah, Tetap Contoh; Semakin meningkat | ||
4. Rumusan · Membuat kesimpulan dengan menyatakan secara keseluruhan maklumat yang terdapat dalam data. · Menulis ayat ringkas tetapi lengkap. | 5. Pada______PUM_______(pola) PUB manakala pada______PUM_______(pola)PUB Contoh: Pada suhu antara 20 ºC – 30 ºC bilangan biji benih yang bercambah meningkat, manakala suhu 35 ºC – 40 ºC bilangan biji benih yang bercambah tidak berubah dan pada suhu 45 ºC ke atas bilangan biji benih bercambah berkurang | ||
Bil | Kemahiran Proses Sains | Panduan Menulis Jawapan | |
5 | Pembolehubah 1. Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan
mempengaruhi hasil ujikaji. | Pastikan setiap kali menulis pembolehubah mestilah ada ’parameter’. Contoh Menulis Jawapan: Berdasarkan penyiasatan di atas, nyatakan pembolehubah-pembolehubah berikut. Pembolehubah malar : Isipadu air Pembolehubah dimanipulasi : Suhu air Pembolehubah bergerakbalas: Kuantiti garam yang dilarutkan (g) | |
2. Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
mempengaruhi hasil ujikaji. | |||
3. Pembolehubah bergerakbalas · Hasil ujikaji / apa yang berlaku di akhir eksperimen | |||
6 | Hipotesis | Semakin ........, semakin / Jika ,....... maka / Lebih , ...... lebih Contoh; Semakin berat besi, semakin panjang spring. Jika berat besi bertambah, maka semakin panjang spring. |
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